
Being a Store Associate in THENBLANK, you will help customer find products they are looking for in the store and give in-depth technical advice about products. You will be located at Margonda Raya, Depok, Grand Galaxy City, Bekasi or Kemang Raya, Jakarta Selatan


  • The willingness to go the extra mile.

  • Highly motivated, initiative and honest

  • Good teamwork

  • Flexibility to do different tasks

  • Ability to be friendly and polite, even when tired or under pressure

  • Ability to follow the procedure correctly

  • Confidence in giving advice and information

  • Having enough stamina to keep going


  • Be attentive to customer's needs

  • Give information about the quality and availability of different products

  • Help customers find products they are looking for in the store

  • When necessary, be able to give in-depth technical advice about products

  • Advise customer of information relating to their purchase, such as it's warranty of how to look after it

  • Make the customer aware of any special offers

  • Make sure that all stock is on display

  • Be aware of what all the customers in the store are doing, to guard against shoplifting


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